Learn to play Night – Ticket to Ride

Learn To Play Night

On Monday December 13th, we will be hosting our first Learn to Play night featuring Ticket to Ride

Game Description

In this classic by Alan R Moon, you compete against other players to complete train segments which connect cities on the map. You score points based on the length of segments you fulfill, and for completing tickets. Tickets are 2 destinations on the map that score you points when connected.

Turns are simple. You choose between 3 actions.

  1. Draw locomotive cards. These come in a variety of colors including a wild locomotive that can act as any color.
  2. Claim a track. Play cards matching the color of the segment you are claiming.
  3. Take Ticket Cards. If you have completed your other tickets are just want more options. Be careful though, any ticket that is not completed by the end of the game, subtracts points from you score.


Ticket to Ride Europe

Adds stations which allows players to use a segment that was claimed by another player.

Adds tunnels which may require extra cards of the same color to claim these routes.

Adds ferries which require a locomotive card to be played as one of the locomotives.

Ticket to Ride New York

In this fast-paced Ticket to Ride game, players race one another through the busy streets of New York City to visit the most prestigious Tourist Attractions and complete their Destination Tickets. The elegantly simple Ticket to Ride gameplay appeals to both beginners and seasoned players. Learn the game in 3 minutes, play it for hours!

Ticket to Ride London

In this fast-paced Ticket to Ride game, players race one another to claim the most important bus lines and complete their Destination Tickets, connecting Districts in the capital of the United Kingdom. The elegantly simple gameplay of this stand-alone version of Ticket to Ride is ideal for both beginners and seasoned players.

Expansion Maps

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 7 – Japan & Italy (2019)

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 6 – France & Old West (2017)

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania (2015)

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 4 – Nederland (2013)

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 3 – The Heart of Africa

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 2 – India & Switzerland (2011)

Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 1 – Team Asia & Legendary Asia (2011)

Boardgames for everyone