20 Best 9 Player Board Games

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Board Game Halv
The icon marks games that are in our library
Rank Library Game Note Year
20 Yes Cranium 1998
19 Yes Yahtzee 1956
18 Yes Snake Oil 2010
17 When I Dream 2016
16 Yes Deception: Murder in Hong Kong 2014
15 Yes Monikers 2015
14 Yes Welcome To... 2018
13 Cartographers 2019
12 A Fake Artist Goes to New York 2011
11 Yes Spyfall 2 2016
10 Yes Secret Hitler 2016
9 Flick 'em Up! 2015
8 Yes Concept 2013
7 Yes Cards Against Humanity 2009
6 Yes Werewords 2017
5 Yes One Night Ultimate Werewolf 2014
4 Formula D 2008
3 WWE Legends Royal Rumble Card Game 2020
2 Dixit: Odyssey 2011
1 Yes Wits & Wagers 2005